Family Medicine Kingsport
Primary Care Clinic
Family Medicine Kingsport
- (423) 245-9600
- Get Directions
- (423) 245-9634
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday open until 6:30 p.m.
We offer same-day appointments, coordinate with specialists, care for you in the hospital, and always have someone
available after business hours.
ETSU Health Family Medicine Kingsport is here for you, bringing the expert care you deserve. Family physicians care for every member of your family, from newborns and teens to older adults. In addition to family physicians, our clinics include nurse practitioners and interprofessional providers from pharmacy, physical therapy, behavioral health and more.
- Women's Health
- Obstetrics and Prenatal Care
- Wellness Visit/EPSDT
- Acute and Chronic Conditions
- Pediatric (including newborn) Acute/Chronic
- Sports Medicine
- Behavioral Health/Mental Care
- Physical Therapy
- Minor Procedures
- On-site Lab
Patient Centered Medical Home
ETSU Health proudly participates in the NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance) recognition program for primary care practices – Patient Centered Medical Home, also known as PCMH.
As a PCMH practice, patients are at the forefront of the care that they receive in any of our seven PCMH-recognized primary care practices. We employ a team- and evidence-based approach to healthcare, which allows us to care for the whole person. Additionally, we focus on ensuring that you can access care 24 hours a day. For after hours care, patients can call the main office number and our answering service will alert a provider who will return the call in a timely manner.
Be sure to check out our Health Blog for additional information on ETSU Health services and for some great tips on staying healthy for life!